We are personal, passionate, and professional

Perhaps you have a young or growing family, you’re a white-collar professional, or have recently moved to Australia after living and working in the UK and want to get your financial affairs in order. You might be earning more than you ever have in the past but also spending the most and want to understand the best options for your situation. You’re probably enjoying your lifestyle today but you want to know how to make it last into the future.

At Griffin Financial Services, we can help you connect to your long-term goals through sound financial planning.

We specialise in providing advice to both Australians returning home from the UK and to British expats living in Australia. Managing your money over international borders can be a complicated, daunting, and lengthy task, but we have the knowledge and experience to make it easy for you. 

In many cases, our clients are busy people who don’t want to spend their precious free time dealing with financial admin. Being able to delegate the more complex and arduous aspects of your finances, will give you back your time to spend on things that really matter to you.

Our clients are from a diverse range of backgrounds and yet many of them face similar financial concerns and challenges that have prompted them to seek advice, including:

  • Starting a family
  • Planning for school fees
  • Taking out or managing a mortgage
  • Moving to Australia from the UK
  • Applying for PR or citizenship
  • Starting or selling a business
  • Changing job or career
  • Having surplus income/cash
  • Wanting to make the most of your Super
  • Protecting you and your family in case of sickness or injury
  • Simply wanting to understand the best options for your circumstances

Does this sound like you? We can help. Get in touch to arrange a complimentary consultation. 

What makes us valuable to you? We are:


What does success look like to you? What are the things that matter most in your life? Money may be important, but chances are when it comes to your goals, it’s not the objective – merely the facilitator. Having a clear understanding of what you want to achieve is as important as the financial products that will help you get there.

Working with you to clarify what you want and understand the options that are available to you, allows us to help you make intelligent decisions about what to do with your money, giving you confidence that you are moving in the right direction.


We love what we do, because we have experienced firsthand the incredible difference that good financial advice can make. We do what we do because it has the capacity to transform your life, help you to reach your goals or protect you in the event of unfortunate circumstances. 

We take our responsibility to you and your finances extremely seriously and consider it a privilege to have the opportunity to make a positive impact on your life. We think financial planning should be enjoyable not intimidating, uplifting not draining, inspiring not confusing.

We combine years of experience with the energy and enthusiasm required to continually adapt and evolve in a rapidly changing world, to deliver the best outcomes for you and your money.


There’s a reason the majority of our clients come to us exclusively through recommendations and referrals. Our commitment to professional excellence and best practice is recognized through industry awards and regular requests to present at conferences.

We genuinely like our clients. We work to build strong long-term relationships founded on mutual trust and respect. The advice that we give is only ever with your best interests at heart. Accordingly, we have never received a commission from investment products. 

Acting as your principal adviser we ensure your other business relationships such as accountants, mortgage brokers, and lawyers, are all focused on achieving common goals.

Financial experts one click away!

We provide clear, concise and considered advice that will give you peace of mind, a sense of freedom and instil confidence in your financial future.
Helping you make smart choices about what to do with your money
© 2021 Griffin Financial Services. All Rights Reserved. Griffin Financial Services Pty Ltd and its advisers are authorised representatives of Fortnum Private Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 54 139 889 535 AFSL 357306 Australian Credit License No 357306 trading as Fortnum Financial Advisers
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