Build Your Wealth

We help you to get your priorities in order and understand the best options available for your personal circumstances so you have a clear and deliberate plan to grow your wealth.

Life is expensive. Paying for everything you need today can be a challenge. Having awareness of your cashflow and making conscious choices about how you are using it is fundamental to all good financial plans. We want you to feel confident that you have used any surplus money wisely and tax effectively to ensure your desired lifestyle is sustained into the future.

Super doesn’t need to be a dirty word. The truth is it’s one of the most poorly realised vehicles to invest through, yet is one of the most tax effective options available with opportunity to invest in almost anything. With your Super properly managed you can look forward to a comfortable retirement. Even if retiring isn’t on your radar now, the sooner you take control of your Super the better you’ll secure your future.

Whether you’re looking for a way to fund school fees or a deposit on a home, planning for an early retirement, wondering how to optimally eliminate debt, or just wanting to maximise choices in the future, working with us we develop purposeful and personalised investment strategies that allow you to avoid any unnecessary fees or unknown investment risks, ensuring your money is working hard for you both inside and outside of Super.

Protect Your Income And Your Family

It’s easy to imagine going through life without having to deal with any sort of trauma, be it illness or accident. No one ever thinks it will happen to them but the statistics tell a different story. Cardiovascular disease, for example, affects one in six Australians. Every nine minutes someone has a heart attack. One in three women and one in two men are diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85.

Nobody really wants to think about it, but sometimes circumstances force you to ask the tough questions.

  • What would happen if you suddenly couldn’t work for an extended period of time? How long could you survive without your income?
  • What changes would your family need to make in the event of your premature death? Could you still afford your mortgage or children’s education?
  • If you were diagnosed with a critical illness, could you afford specialist medical treatment?

Although thinking about these things is incredibly confronting, they don’t also need to be financially devastating.

At Griffin Financial Services we help you consider which risks are worth taking and how to protect those that aren’t, whether it’s through insurance or having an investment strategy in place to protect your assets. The comfort of knowing you have safeguarded yourself and your family is invaluable.

Enjoy Your Life, And Your Retirement

We’re living longer than any generation before us, which means that even as you consider winding down your working life, you may still have 30 years or more ahead of you. As exciting at this may be ideally you will only be working because you want to not because you have to.

Our role is to ensure that no matter your age, you can continue doing all the things you love. To live the life you want, your money needs to have longevity. Life is expensive, but knowing you can afford it because you’ve managed your finances will be a weight off your mind.

The Australian tax system is often thought to be one of the most complex in the world and yet despite the complexity there is a vast range of strategies that can offer substantial tax advantages. At Griffin Financial Services we help you maximise your retirement income as tax effectively as possible and make sure it lasts for as long as you need it.

Expats … UK to AUS

If you’re an Australian who’s recently moved home after living in the UK, or you’re a British expat who’s migrated to Australia the financial complexity that goes with changing countries can be difficult to grasp. Having someone who understands the legislation, tax environment, and logistics of dealing with assets across international borders can prevent a major headache.

Scott Dawkins, Director and Principal Adviser at Griffin Financial Services, is an authority in this area. Scott spent seven years working in London as a financial planner with a focus on retirement benefits and pensions. In that time he assisted over 2000 clients. He has an in-depth knowledge from both a UK and Australian perspective. Not only that, he has a network of trusted financial experts on the ground in the UK and Australia who can help you get a grasp on the new systems and make getting set up again easy.

With changes to rules occurring all the time it is essential to speak to an expert to understand your options before taking any action regarding your UK pension. Our ultimate goal is to help you navigate this complicated process with ease so you can make the smartest decisions about how to manage your money while avoiding unnecessary tax consequences. No stress, no hassle, just the best outcome possible.

Professional Network

The Australian financial system is so complex that it’s beneficial to have a team of people with different skills who can provide help when you need it. We have a network of trusted professionals whom we can introduce you to as and when required. Working as your principal adviser we make sure all parties are on the same page and understand what you are trying to achieve so they are working towards the best outcome for you. With a clear understanding of your priorities and objectives, we can brief and then connect you to the most relevant people who will help to execute the plan. One of our clients once likened us to The Avengers – every time he had a new challenge, there was a new character to help.

All of our connections come highly recommended and include:

  • Accountants
  • Mortgage Brokers
  • Solicitors – family law, estate planning, immigration, and business succession
  • Stockbrokers
  • Currency Brokers
  • Buyers agents
  • General Insurers
  • Recruiters

As experts in British financial matters, we are in the unique position of also having strong professional relationships with a variety of experts in the UK who can help you on the ground with a multitude of tasks including:

  • Financial advisers for UK based financial products
  • UK tax returns
  • UK Wills
  • UK Mortgages

With our network, you can save time, money and energy, while feeling confident that you’re dealing with people who care about your goals and like us, want the best outcomes for you and your money.


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We provide clear, concise and considered advice that will give you peace of mind, a sense of freedom and instil confidence in your financial future.
Helping you make smart choices about what to do with your money
© 2021 Griffin Financial Services. All Rights Reserved. Griffin Financial Services Pty Ltd and its advisers are authorised representatives of Fortnum Private Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 54 139 889 535 AFSL 357306 Australian Credit License No 357306 trading as Fortnum Financial Advisers
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